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Get the sources via subversion from our subversion repository

Ten Minutes Build

For the latest version, you need Visual Studio 2010. Older version still might depend on Visual Studio 2008.

To download the source code from our SVN server, go to and get (and install) the SVN binaries. Create a folder called "Remotion" on your hard drive and check out the code into that folder:

cd c:\Remotion
svn checkout trunk

(You can also use TortoiseSVN to check out the code if you want a graphical user interface.)
We cannot provide our remotion.snk, so you need to create your own.

cd c:\Remotion\trunk
sn -k remotion.snk

(You might need to do that from a Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt so that the tool "sn.exe" can be found.)

Taken from Fabian Schmied's blog entry How to build re-motion