The original content of this wiki page has been copied
from the PhoneBook tutorial. It might or might not be
in sync with it at the time you are reading this.

If you forget one of the DBBidirectionalRelation attributes, you get one of two error messages, depending on which of the Person.cs or Phonenumber.cs file is processed first. It is either

Execution aborted. Exception stack:
Remotion.Data.DomainObjects.Mapping.MappingException: The property 
type Remotion.Data.DomainObjects.ObjectList`1[PhoneBook.Domain.PhoneNumber] 
is not supported.


Execution aborted. Exception stack:
Remotion.Data.DomainObjects.Mapping.MappingException: Opposite relation 
property 'Person' declared on type 'PhoneBook.Domain.PhoneNumber' does not 
define a matching 

The latter is also the message you will get when you forget both
DBBidirectionalRelation attributes.