Acta Nova

ActaNova is the biggest re-motion project. For non technical information, go to ActaNova


bindable domain object


An old term for business object controls.

business object

see domain object vs. business object

business object control


canonical project structure

the way most .NET programmers structure their web-projects in general, as seen in the PhoneBook project structure

client transaction

re-store's way of managing modifications to domain objects


re-motion's program generator for deriving a (relational) database schema from a set of domain objects

discarding scope

A discarding scope is a transaction scope that makes the modifications in the client transaction that belongs to the scope vanish without a trace as soon as execution of the program leaves the scope.

domain assembly

the .NET assembly containing all domain classes for the domain

domain class

Domain class is a synonym for domain object class

domain object

See domain object vs. business object

domain object assembly

-> domain assembly

domain object instance

-> domain object, domain object vs. business object

domain object class

also: domain class, see domain, domain class, domain assembly -- the big picture

junction objects

Analogous to junction tables, used for constructing m:n relationships

Object list

see domain, domain class, domain assembly -- the big picture

Object persistence framework

OPF, an old name for -> re-store

Online PhoneBook

this FIXME is the online PhoneBook (PhoneBook web application)


an old name for re-store (Object persistence framework)


the sample application for re-motion classroom instruction, PhoneBook tutorial

PhoneBook tutorial


PhoneBook web application

this FIXME is the online PhoneBook web application ("online phonebook")


one of re-motion's basic components, providing and connecting web controls to -> domain objects


one of re-motion's basic components, enabling flow of control for web applications that is easy to program and manage

re-call header

old term: "WXE header", see FIXME

re-call parameter



one of re-motion's basic components, providing O/R-mapping (persistence) and client transactions


one of re-motion's basic components, the security manager re-strict dictionary and overview


is an Austrian software company. rubicon has developed re-motion, and the good folks there us it every day, all day long.


old name for -> re-strict

transaction scope



is a program generator, deriving a complete web application from the applications domain model

uigen.exe templates

-> uigen.exe is template based; the set of templates constitutes a skeleton for a web applications

unit of work


Web execution engine

WXE, an old name for -> re-call


Web execution engine, an old name for -> re-call

wxe function

= re-call function = re-call page = wxe page



wxe header

old name for "re-call header


wxe parameter

old name for "re-call parameter