Quick Navigation Spec
Quick Navigation Spec
User can quickly and simply navigate to a page, person, space, or attachment via title.
Use Cases
- Sees results in a panel below Quicksearch as they start typing. Sees instantaneous results. Selects a result to go to that page.
- Can use keyboard to select results.
- Sees results are in categories. 5 results max shown for pages and news together, 2 results for attachments, 3 results for people, and 2 results for space in that order.
- Titles that are too long, are truncated.
- Sees page and news results icon, and title only. For person, profile picture and name. For space, icon and name. No descriptions shown for anything.
- Uses a link down the bottom linking to a full search so that keyboard users can execute search: 'Search All' with icon.
- Sees part of the title that is matched by the search term in bold.
- Appear in the page search in the Add Links
- See the initial design meeting minutes and second meeting.
- Pages and news mixed in together as one category? Why separate them? How would we do a combined 'News and Page' more search?
- Multiple word searches (e.g. 'meeting min_') results aren't ordered (i.e. results can be 'minimum meetings', 'meeting minutes', 'meeting room minutes').
, multiple selections available,