

Acta Nova

Acta Nova is the biggest re-motion project. For non technical information, go to https://www.acta-nova.eu

bindable domain object

One of the most important base classes for binding and persistance

business object

see domain object vs. business object

client transaction

re-store's way of managing modifications to domain objects

complete interface

Special class attribute for mixins


re-motion's program generator for deriving a (relational) database schema from a set of domain objects

discarding scope

A discarding scope is a transaction scope that makes the modifications in the client transaction that belongs to the scope vanish without a trace as soon as execution of the program leaves the scope.

domain assembly

the .NET assembly containing all domain classes for the domain

domain class

Domain class is a synonym for domain object class

domain object

See domain object vs. business object

domain object assembly

-> domain assembly

domain object instance

-> domain object, domain object vs. business object

domain object class

also: domain class, see domain, domain class, domain assembly -- the big picture

Junction objects

Analogous to junction tables, used for constructing m:n relationships

Object list

see domain, domain class, domain assembly -- the big picture


the sample application for re-motion classroom instruction, PhoneBook tutorial, PhoneBook project structure


one of re-motion's basic components, providing and connecting web controls to -> domain objects


one of re-motion's basic components, enabling flow of control for web applications that is easy to program and manage

re-call header

old term: "WXE header", see FIXME

re-call parameter



one of re-motion's basic components, providing O/R-mapping (persistence) and client transactions


one of re-motion's basic components, the security manager re-strict dictionary and overview


the company behind re-motion

transaction scope



is a program generator, deriving a complete web application from the applications domain model

uigen.exe templates

-> uigen.exe is template based; the set of templates constitutes a skeleton for a web applications

unit of work


