Tech Notes

Tech Notes


Persisting objects in tables
A general primer on O/R-mapping, independent from re-motion.

ASP.NET for people who did not bother until now
In order to understand re-call, you should know about the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect. This article clarifies the topic.

What uigen.exe does
uigen.exe is a program generator. It uses templates to derive a basic web application from the domain model. This article explains how this works in detail. You can write your own templates for new types of web applications.

re-strict dictionary and overview
re-strict is re-motion's security module. Not much documentation exists at this time, but the article gives you an impression of how re-strict works.

On re-bind's data source controls
re-motion brings its own set of smart web controls. These controls bind to custom data source controls. This article explains the capabilities of various types of re-motion's (re-bind's) data source controls.

Objects in perma-URLs
Per default, re-motion works with Server.Transfer, what precludes unique URLs for each domain object instance. This article explains how to program for "perma-URLs", i.e. unique URLs for each domain object instance.

Hints on how to implement pessimistic locking for re-store
re-store locks domain objects optimistically, i.e. the users who writes back modifications first have their changes committed to the database. This is in contrast to MS Word: in MS Word, the users who open the document first have permission to write back modifications (= pessimistic locking). This article explains how to implement pessimistic locking for (all or just some) classes of domain objects.

Working with XML queries and the query manager
re-motion provides excellent support for Linq. (In fact, rubicon has advanced the field with re-linq.) However, sometimes you might want to resort to SQL for performance- or other reasons. This article explains how to integrate SQL queries into your domain model.

Junction objects
re-store supports 1:1 relations and 1:n relations. This article explains how to implement m:n relations using junction objects.

Globalization remarks
Everything you ever wanted to know about globalization in re-motion – and more!